This not only has storyline but a masturbation scene. Audrey, the sex bot character in this video is going through a revolution and is a fugitive etc, lots to her, but down to her inner wire she IS a sex bot. And such an advanced ond she literally cannot function without fucking. More on that in the film. But yes there is a scene with her playing with herself though she doesn't want to and yet she can't help herself.
This not only has storyline but a masturbation scene. Audrey, the sex bot character in this video is going through a revolution and is a fugitive etc, lots to her, but down to her inner wire she IS a sex bot. And such an advanced ond she literally cannot function without fucking. More on that in the film. But yes there is a scene with her playing with herself though she doesn't want to and yet she can't help herself.
It might be a little long for some folks, I figure that if you snag this little creation you can watch bit by but when you have time that's what I figured. Starts off slower and gets better as time goes on through out the flick. It's a proper short film. I really really hope y'all enjoy it.
So this vid is derived from a story I came up w in my head. This is laced w real deal sci-fi theme and content that I'm sure anyone in the fembot loving community can get into. Full stop this movie has genuine sci fi theme and content. Actual acting included. When I first made this i started to watch it for a few minutes and thought oh forget this it sucks. I was going to trash it, seriously. I never watched more than a few minutes. I told my husband I was gonna trash it and he said to let him check it out first. So I did. He was like NO WAY are you deleting this. So I actually had gone back through and added a bunch of awesome edits and embellishments and really made it tip top. Well for some reason that edit file is corrupted. I tried and fought for 24 hours straight with my video editor to produce it. It would NOT produce past 78%. This took HOURS. About drove me nuts. I finally had to accept that all the add ons etc were a wash. A waste of time. It wasn't going to produce in full. So, extremely upset, I reluctantly went through and added a bit of editing. It's nothing near as awesome as it was. I'm sorry for that, just know I tried. Got better ideas coming to mind to implement into soon to be made features asap.