Transformation Fantasy: The Bimbo Long Con, Draining your Bank Account, CatFishing, BBC, Deep throat, Sloppy Head, Spit, Breast Expansion, Bimbofication
My Rating:
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 4/1/2021


This was it. The big meet up. Something that had been planned for months. I shouldn't have let this go on for so long. A simple game of cat fish that got so far out of hand. Never fall for your mark. This is rule number one. And yet I fell harder then any con ever has the right too. It was all suppose to be so simple. Use the doctors cigs to change my shape. Appeal to his porn preference searches and drain his bank account to the point where he would be lucky if at the end of it all he had even a single penny left to his name. Nothing to it. I had done it so many times before. The doctor al...

Transformation Fantasy: The Bimbo Long Con, Draining your Bank Account, CatFishing, BBC, Deep throat, Sloppy Head, Spit, Breast Expansion, Bimbofication

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