What's this I see? A gift for ME? Can't wait to check out its contents. Holy ...your dick in a box! And I know just what to do with it. First I'll twist and grind my bare heels into it and then I'll do more of the same with my flip flops. I love the popping and squeaking sound it makes! Then I'll smush it flat as a pancake, pumping until I break your dick meat! When I'm finished (and YOU'RE finished) I'll do the same to your sperm chunks. Wait until you hear them splat under my powerful feet.
What's this I see? A gift for ME? Can't wait to check out its contents. Holy ...your dick in a box! And I know just what to do with it. First I'll twist and grind my bare heels into it and then I'll do more of the same with my flip flops. I love the popping and squeaking sound it makes! Then I'll smush it flat as a pancake, pumping until I break your dick meat! When I'm finished (and YOU'RE finished) I'll do the same to your sperm chunks. Wait until you hear them splat under my powerful feet.