Clip 10 of the movie: This part of the movie is most interesting for german speaking audience. The big woman wants to buy oversized shoes . As the man tells her that the price is the higher the larger her feet are, she gives him two face slaps. Than she asks him to look for gloves for her large hands. He can look for the size of the gloves with her handprint on his cheeks......
Size: 640 x 480, length 5:44 min
Clip 10 of the movie: This part of the movie is most interesting for german speaking audience. The big woman wants to buy oversized shoes . As the man tells her that the price is the higher the larger her feet are, she gives him two face slaps. Than she asks him to look for gloves for her large hands. He can look for the size of the gloves with her handprint on his cheeks......
Size: 640 x 480, length 5:44 min