Coco spanked in yoga pants at the wood pile
My Rating:
Category: Yoga Pants
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 10/12/2024


Coco has been a very, very bad girl. And she knows it. She committed to an intensive six-month gym program to get fitter, and she’s only been to the gym twice in the past three weeks. It’s just not good enough.

She decides to go for a forest walk to clear her head and get her heart pumping. It’ll be just the thing to limber her up for an evening gym session. She puts on one of her favorite pairs of leggings and heads out into the soft afternoon light.

As Coco is skipping along, enjoying the birdsong and the wind in the trees, she stumbles upon what she can only describe as a...

Coco spanked in yoga pants at the wood pile

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