Sativa vs Nikki Princess topless wrestling
My Rating:
Category: Female Wrestling
Runtime: 14 minutes
Date Added: 7/19/2019


Sativa visited Budapest and Nikki found she has to fight her however she is a lot smaller than Sativa. But she is like pepper so hot!

First they start with some posing, flexing their biceps than Sativa suddenly pick Nikki up in PILEDRIVER! She keeps her long upside down and tease her.

Nikki try to defend herself but Sativa is so much bigger and stronger that she can play with her as she want. She use many painfull holds like: HEADSCISSORS from front & reverse, CHOOKING with feet & ankles combinated with ARMBAR etc etc

Nikki is brave, she not give so easily and des...

Sativa vs Nikki Princess topless wrestling

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