April Hunter shows up to teach a WRESTLING lesson and finds Ashlee Chambers ready...but dressed very inappropriately in a tiny BIKINI, BAREFOOT and nothing else. Not wanting to refund the girl, April attempts a GRAPPLING lesson, but soon finds that she needs to school the egotistical STRONG FITNESS beauty by using Suplexes, spike holds, LIFT & CARRY, SCISSORHOLDS, hard punches & submissions. During this lesson, Ashlee's TIT keeps falling out of her top, infuriating April, who calls her "unprofessional". Ashlee grabs the REDHEADS top and pulls it down, exposing her BREASTS and then tries to SCI...
April Hunter shows up to teach a WRESTLING lesson and finds Ashlee Chambers ready...but dressed very inappropriately in a tiny BIKINI, BAREFOOT and nothing else. Not wanting to refund the girl, April attempts a GRAPPLING lesson, but soon finds that she needs to school the egotistical STRONG FITNESS beauty by using Suplexes, spike holds, LIFT & CARRY, SCISSORHOLDS, hard punches & submissions. During this lesson, Ashlee's TIT keeps falling out of her top, infuriating April, who calls her "unprofessional". Ashlee grabs the REDHEADS top and pulls it down, exposing her BREASTS and then tries to SCI...