Aquaphilias- Greenhead, God of the Deep, Demands a Virgin Sacrifice
My Rating:
Category: Underwater Fetish
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 7/27/2022


Greenhead, God of the Deep, had demanded a virgin sacrifice to prove our submission and obedience!!

The problem is that he wanted a Virgin?!?! Where are we going to find one of those around here???!?

We found a sacrifice, Kilo, that we hope He will think is worthy enough of his greatness!!!

We anoint her with the Holy Markers of Mordecai on her naked skin on His alter. Then the three of us, Summer, Nathalia, and myself take her, nude, to the the sacrificial pit!

Kilo happily goes with us, knowing that her sacrifice will make all of us very happy!!

Aquaphilias- Greenhead, God of the Deep, Demands a Virgin Sacrifice

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