Aquaphilias- Sea Jewel- I Can't Swim- PERIL
My Rating:
Category: Underwater Fetish
Runtime: 13 minutes
Date Added: 9/28/2023


Despite her step-mother's constant efforts, Sea Jewel had always been terrified of the water. The thought of getting lost in the deep unknown below was enough to keep her far away from any pool or ocean.
But on this particular day, with the sun beating down and the stifling heat, something compelled her to dip her toes into the pool. It was as if an enitity beyond her control drew her towards the vibrant blue tiles and glittering reflections dancing on the surface.
As she waded deeper, the cool water stirred something within her - a sense of adventure she had never experienced befor...

Aquaphilias- Sea Jewel- I Can't Swim- PERIL

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