Everything Step-Mom tried to do to cheer her step-son up just wasn't working. His heart was broken. Harlo had met the girl of his dreams and fell in love. But after almost 3 months of pure bliss, out of the blue she told him it was over. No explanation, nothing. He was devastated. Not even his favorite sundae would help ease his pain. Step-Mom told him that just do that sometimes. They don't know what they want. He was too good for her anyways and he needed a real woman someone like his Step-Mother. Who could take care of him and make him feel like a man! Step-Mom told him that what she tried ...
Everything Step-Mom tried to do to cheer her step-son up just wasn't working. His heart was broken. Harlo had met the girl of his dreams and fell in love. But after almost 3 months of pure bliss, out of the blue she told him it was over. No explanation, nothing. He was devastated. Not even his favorite sundae would help ease his pain. Step-Mom told him that just do that sometimes. They don't know what they want. He was too good for her anyways and he needed a real woman someone like his Step-Mother. Who could take care of him and make him feel like a man! Step-Mom told him that what she tried ...