AN UNMERCIFUL WHIPPING Starring Madam Luzia Lowe
My Rating:
Category: Asian Goddess
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 8/10/2021


With my slave naked and helplessly bound to my webbed bondage frame, he is indeed at the mercy of my sadistic whims. Today, I am in a whipping sort of mood, as I need to feel my power unleashed upon my helpless minion in the most severe and agonizing of ways. For this slave, my fierce Thrasher Whip will do rather nicely.

My dreaded whip whizzes through the heavy air of my dungeon and cracks against his flesh like a thunder bolt, causing my pet to tremble with fear. When the first strike makes contact with his flesh, his body convulses uncontrollably, followed by the most delicious ...

AN UNMERCIFUL WHIPPING Starring Madam Luzia Lowe

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