In this, the final installment of Sadistic Sisters, both An Li and XI step up the pain game on their bound and helpless boy toy. With an array of crops and whips, they cut this slave boi down to size with a vicious attack.
No part of his body is spared from their whips, as they lash him from head to toes, bruising, welting and lacerating him without mercy or remorse. An Li works over his chest and stomach, while XI lashes out at his ass and back. And then the dangerous duo trade positions for more of the same unbearable torment.
By the smiles on their faces, one can ...
In this, the final installment of Sadistic Sisters, both An Li and XI step up the pain game on their bound and helpless boy toy. With an array of crops and whips, they cut this slave boi down to size with a vicious attack.
No part of his body is spared from their whips, as they lash him from head to toes, bruising, welting and lacerating him without mercy or remorse. An Li works over his chest and stomach, while XI lashes out at his ass and back. And then the dangerous duo trade positions for more of the same unbearable torment.