Pissed isn't even the word How could you forget my daily birthday present? It happens every day.. EVERY. DAY. Its not even comprehensible that someone could be so neglectful. How could you? Are you stupid? Did you fall and hit your head, nitwit? My daily birthday and my daily birthday present are a big fucking deal. I'm supposed to be empathetic towards you when you show so little regard for my needs and feelings? You're one step away from being to me. You don't forget to breathe do you? Well? Unforgivable..
Princess Jennifer
Features: Princess, Face Slappi...
Pissed isn't even the word How could you forget my daily birthday present? It happens every day.. EVERY. DAY. Its not even comprehensible that someone could be so neglectful. How could you? Are you stupid? Did you fall and hit your head, nitwit? My daily birthday and my daily birthday present are a big fucking deal. I'm supposed to be empathetic towards you when you show so little regard for my needs and feelings? You're one step away from being to me. You don't forget to breathe do you? Well? Unforgivable..