CONQUERED BY HER FEET Starring Goddess Gaia
My Rating:
Category: Asian Goddess
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 11/5/2013


Gaia has been noticing the fat pervy janitor following her around her college campus. Is it just a coincidence that he cleans the girls' bathroom every time Gaia takes a smoke break? And that he's always sweeping the ground behind her in an obvious and desperate attempt to get close to her gorgeous Asian feet. Could he be more obvious? DUH!

Fed up with his stalking and gawking, Gaia decides to confront him in the girls' dorm and settle the matter once and for all. She gives him a choice: leave her alone or agree to be her slave. Since he isn't able to leave, Gaia presumes he has ch...

CONQUERED BY HER FEET Starring Goddess Gaia

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