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HAIR TEASE. Starring Astro Domina
My Rating:
Runtime: 9 minutes
Date Added: 01/15/15, 02:00 AM


With her slave locked in a cage, his head fully exposed and at the mercy of her whims, Astro Domina is in the perfect position to tease her slave mercilessly with her gorgeous, full head of exotic Asian hair. Her pathetic loser slave can look, smell and feel her beautiful hair as she brushes it across his face, but he can not touch, because his hands have been shackled to the cage.

He is helplessly mesmerized as Astro consumes and overwhelms him with her gorgeous rich full locks. In an ultimate act of submission, Astro Domina draws a few strands of hair from her head an...
HAIR TEASE. Starring Astro Domina

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720p - wmv 339MB
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