After putting me in a standing, crotch rope-to-the-ceiling, legs spread, elbows tied, position, Martin cools me down with ice cold water until I'm fully wet. He relieves the crotch rope, takes my arms, and pulls me backwards to tie my wrists to the wall. Shortly after, he puts me into a legs spread, standing strappado with the crotch rope to the ceiling again, then puts me into a the position that ends up taking me to my breaking point.
After putting me in a standing, crotch rope-to-the-ceiling, legs spread, elbows tied, position, Martin cools me down with ice cold water until I'm fully wet. He relieves the crotch rope, takes my arms, and pulls me backwards to tie my wrists to the wall. Shortly after, he puts me into a legs spread, standing strappado with the crotch rope to the ceiling again, then puts me into a the position that ends up taking me to my breaking point.