You may think you're not ready to commit to something to dramatic as being owned by 1 specific FEMDOM Goddess. You're frightened to go all in and have me control all aspects of your life. You may think that this is a smart move by you, playing it safe by only playing for an hour here or there, when you feel like it-when you feel like submitting, of course you'll expect your mistress to have so much fun paying attention to your specific interests. SMart move? Meh more like you're a simp. I don't need you to be jumping into the deep end on day one, but what I do need is a little more trust from ...
You may think you're not ready to commit to something to dramatic as being owned by 1 specific FEMDOM Goddess. You're frightened to go all in and have me control all aspects of your life. You may think that this is a smart move by you, playing it safe by only playing for an hour here or there, when you feel like it-when you feel like submitting, of course you'll expect your mistress to have so much fun paying attention to your specific interests. SMart move? Meh more like you're a simp. I don't need you to be jumping into the deep end on day one, but what I do need is a little more trust from ...