Consider this you daily loser tax. Any breath, any look in your direction, any iota of attention taken off a woman's own self and placed upon you ought to be paid for. It should be a legal and binding fee. Your life is pathetic. You have a 1 track mind. Always thinking about your dick, and your kinks when NO ONE ELSE GIVES A FLYING FUCK.If you don't pay.and continue to seek out my time and attention you will be blocked. If need be, you will be beaten away like the pesky fly that you are. I am out of your league. It is perfectly sensible and only justified that you pay up routinely to suck my e...
Consider this you daily loser tax. Any breath, any look in your direction, any iota of attention taken off a woman's own self and placed upon you ought to be paid for. It should be a legal and binding fee. Your life is pathetic. You have a 1 track mind. Always thinking about your dick, and your kinks when NO ONE ELSE GIVES A FLYING FUCK.If you don't pay.and continue to seek out my time and attention you will be blocked. If need be, you will be beaten away like the pesky fly that you are. I am out of your league. It is perfectly sensible and only justified that you pay up routinely to suck my e...