My Birthday is coming up. I have a good life- your job is to make it better, easier, and richer. Some slaves were good and brought me a cpl gifts before the important date arrived. Why aren't you pulling your weight? I show you how easy it is to be a better slave and spoil me. I open up these gifts in front of you and explain why I'm definitely a different sort of domme and how your money is better off with me. Lastly don't forget good old fashioned cash tributes. In session you distinguish yourself with a tip and should always bring alcohol. That way I cand drink your money, then piss and you...
My Birthday is coming up. I have a good life- your job is to make it better, easier, and richer. Some slaves were good and brought me a cpl gifts before the important date arrived. Why aren't you pulling your weight? I show you how easy it is to be a better slave and spoil me. I open up these gifts in front of you and explain why I'm definitely a different sort of domme and how your money is better off with me. Lastly don't forget good old fashioned cash tributes. In session you distinguish yourself with a tip and should always bring alcohol. That way I cand drink your money, then piss and you...