Sick Spit Slave
My Rating:
Category: Spit Fetish
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 9/30/2016


Follow up to my latest "Phlegm Dom" clip. a disgusting wanker wants to eat my snot. I came down with a cold last tuesday and didn't know if I'd still be hocking up gross, sticky loogies by the time he arrived in town. The repulsive slave is paying for me to spit all my nasty phlegm into a jar. Here is where it's at on day 5. And I'm still spitting nasty, sticky phlegm. Whenever I get a cold you nasty freaks come out and start asking me to make videos of long booger strings. I know you! My inbox will be full of you sick wankers. Have your money ready losers- there's only so much snot to spread ...
Sick Spit Slave

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