LITTLE LOST BOY IN THE FOOSBALL VR360 feat. Princess Ellie Idol & AstroDomina
My Rating:
Runtime: 5 minutes
Date Added: 6/13/2016


HD 1920 x 1080p --- My first ever VR360 video with Princess Ellie!

Princess and Ellie and I were playing pool in the main room at the mansion when all of a sudden, we barely noticed a tiny man watching us have fun! So we decided to have fun with him instead by placing him in the Foos Ball machine! Oh yes, he's right in the middle trying to dodge the ball and every hit that we do on him! We finally picked him up after with a little Foos fun, smothered him in between our boobs and I placed him inside my bar to keep him from running around like a crazy little lost boy!
LITTLE LOST BOY IN THE FOOSBALL VR360 feat. Princess Ellie Idol & AstroDomina

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