Unearthly 10: Cthulha Insatiable! (starring Darian & Jade)
My Rating:
Category: Aliens & Monsters
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 2/18/2023


Lured by the unknowable power and promise of the "Oculus of the Deep", an intrepid Sailor Scout (Darian) seeks out the highly coveted (and notably corrupted) orb - not only for her own selfless ambitions, but to keep it safe and away from those who would use it for nefarious deeds (or so she tells herself). However, her best laid plans are waylaid by a mysterious acolyte charged with guarding the artifact, and the devious entity housed in the sphere - the dreaded Deep One Cthulha - whose appetite for destruction (and our heroine's vigor and vitality) is insatiable! Produced, directed and co...

Unearthly 10: Cthulha Insatiable! (starring Darian & Jade)

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