Bella has been tied up in her ex husband's garage to keep her from taking him to court for more money from their divorce and one look at the sexy girl's face will tell you of the hell she is already in! The way he crossed her wrists before pulling them up behind her back stresses her shoulders to the point of agony and she is in a state of both physical and anger at being treated this way but you can also see fear creep in, Bella is not a stupid woman and knows this is bad and after several hot struggle scenes her eyes look apprehensively as her ex approaches. He talks menacingly yet softly in...
Bella has been tied up in her ex husband's garage to keep her from taking him to court for more money from their divorce and one look at the sexy girl's face will tell you of the hell she is already in! The way he crossed her wrists before pulling them up behind her back stresses her shoulders to the point of agony and she is in a state of both physical and anger at being treated this way but you can also see fear creep in, Bella is not a stupid woman and knows this is bad and after several hot struggle scenes her eyes look apprehensively as her ex approaches. He talks menacingly yet softly in...