What follows is a gut wrenching tale of a captive women who endures not only cruel and painful bondage but her mind is subjected to because Ariel is never given a reason for her captivity...not once! She groggily awakens with her hands, knees and ankles bound and no idea how she came to be there, the blindfold is terrifying as she struggles on the floor, her apparent captor silently walks over and when he touches her bound body Ariel screams desperately and making it worse he says hot a word, he clamps a hand over her mouth and roams her body with his other hand and as suddenly as it starts he...
What follows is a gut wrenching tale of a captive women who endures not only cruel and painful bondage but her mind is subjected to because Ariel is never given a reason for her captivity...not once! She groggily awakens with her hands, knees and ankles bound and no idea how she came to be there, the blindfold is terrifying as she struggles on the floor, her apparent captor silently walks over and when he touches her bound body Ariel screams desperately and making it worse he says hot a word, he clamps a hand over her mouth and roams her body with his other hand and as suddenly as it starts he...