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To Go Potty With Her Elbows Tied Behind Her Back
My Rating:
Runtime: 4 minutes
Category: Bondage
Date Added: 06/06/19, 04:54 PM


Briella's husband tied her elbows behind her back, strapped a gag in her mouth and she was told to kneel submissively until his return and what a sight this beautiful girl makes as she squirms in the bondage she both adores and hates. He gave Briella the option to leave the room only if she needed to use the toilet and as she struggles the urge hits her and sure enough she needs to go......bad. The camera follows her from behind as she stands and walks to the bathroom and in a truly erotic and unique scene she drags her hands around to pull her panties down and, with her elbows still cruelly b...
To Go Potty With Her Elbows Tied Behind Her Back

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1080p - wmv 235MB
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