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Zip Tied Amazon!
My Rating:
Runtime: 4 minutes
Category: Bondage
Date Added: 09/01/13, 01:00 AM


A tall gorgeous woman walks into her kitchen from the garage fresh from a trip to the store and no sooner does she close the door behind her when she is grabbed from behind! A masked intruder clamps a hand over Mia's mouth and the frightened girl into the kitchen, twists her arms behind her back, bends her over the counter and threatens the tall beauty with serious harm if she does not comply. In a meek and terrified voice she agress so she is put on the floor against a wall, zip ties are tossed near her and she is told to ZIP TIE HER OWN ANKLES AND KNEES! Mia is nervous, her hands shake as sh...
Zip Tied Amazon!

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