Or Is THIS The Best Baby Sitter Vid Of All Time!
My Rating:
Category: Bondage
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 2/6/2018


We've all seen it, the cute babysitter falls prey to an intruder and is all tied up, which is great but this video has a twist and is so believable you'll think it's news footage rather than a fantasy video! It starts with Anabelle Pync being warned that the charges she'll be babysitting have a history of tricking their sitters into playing "tie up" games and leaving the in extremely tight bondage to be found later by their parents. Anabelle is sure that won't happen to her and she agrees to sit for Billy and Cindy that evening....and so it begins! Fade in and Anabelle sits on the couch wi...

Or Is THIS The Best Baby Sitter Vid Of All Time!

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