Anti-fertility specialist Claire has been sent a victim... Matthews girlfriend has heard about Claires one month sperm-busting service and wants Matthew to get a course of treatment! Claire cannot wait to get started and has soon stripped Matthew down and got her hands on his nuts! She proceeds to give Matthew the full treatment of slaps, squeezes, kicks and knees to the nuts in her own unique and sexy style! Claire really does love sterilising men with her ballbusting skills and takes enormous pleasure from inflicting so much suffering on poor Matthews nuts. This is a cracking video and Clair...
Anti-fertility specialist Claire has been sent a victim... Matthews girlfriend has heard about Claires one month sperm-busting service and wants Matthew to get a course of treatment! Claire cannot wait to get started and has soon stripped Matthew down and got her hands on his nuts! She proceeds to give Matthew the full treatment of slaps, squeezes, kicks and knees to the nuts in her own unique and sexy style! Claire really does love sterilising men with her ballbusting skills and takes enormous pleasure from inflicting so much suffering on poor Matthews nuts. This is a cracking video and Clair...