After the Balloondrop it makes fun the many balloons for Regina burst correctly to let. It constantly slams. And if the fingers with the pointed fingernails rub over the stout balloon skin, there is a fantastic sound of balloon - up to the Bäng. Regina sits and whips on the balloons, or presses the pointed shoe into the balloon - BUMM. It you too, which has joy it, you thereby into the eyes sees and with you speaks.
After the Balloondrop it makes fun the many balloons for Regina burst correctly to let. It constantly slams. And if the fingers with the pointed fingernails rub over the stout balloon skin, there is a fantastic sound of balloon - up to the Bäng. Regina sits and whips on the balloons, or presses the pointed shoe into the balloon - BUMM. It you too, which has joy it, you thereby into the eyes sees and with you speaks.