This is a direct sequel to my last custom. At the end of the last clip you took a nap so this happens right when you wake up from your nap. In this one you bully, tease, degrade, humiliate one more tiny man before squeezing him into your stomach with the rest of them and guzzling another soda right on top of the whole group.
Video: you wake up after napping for hours because the tiny men in your belly start moving too much. the tiny men stuffed in your belly have been alive inside the whole time just barely keeping their heads above all the soda you drank because of the air bu...
This is a direct sequel to my last custom. At the end of the last clip you took a nap so this happens right when you wake up from your nap. In this one you bully, tease, degrade, humiliate one more tiny man before squeezing him into your stomach with the rest of them and guzzling another soda right on top of the whole group.
Video: you wake up after napping for hours because the tiny men in your belly start moving too much. the tiny men stuffed in your belly have been alive inside the whole time just barely keeping their heads above all the soda you drank because of the air bubbles from burps you hadn’t let out. You tease the tiny men you ate before by gently rubbing and groping your belly and talking about how humiliating it is that you ate them all and drank soda on top of them like they’re all just food not people.
You start guzzling another can to push up up the air trapped in your belly. While guzzling and teasing them you spot three a tiny man (my pov/me) on your floor. You stand over me and talk to me- i explain that im looking for my group of friends who never came home. You cant help but roll your eyes and laugh at all me, i have no clue you ate my friends and that they’re in your belly. You rub your full belly while i speak to you and rudely interrupt me by burping/belching, then being fake polite by covering your mouth and excusing yourself.
You act like you don’t know where my friends are before grabbing me and dangling me in front of you making me helpless. You start being a mean bully to me making fun of my size calling me small stupid etc. You gently bully, tease, degrade and humiliate me (like some mean schoolgirl humiliating a nerd or something like that. A LOT of eye rolling, patronizing laughing and being mean). You admit that you shouldn’t be so mean but you just love to tease tiny men like me. Finally you admit that you ate my friends and how you drank a soda right on top of them. And how you’re going to eat me too. I’m getting stuffed in right on top of their friends. You dangle me above you and eat me.
After you eat me you do some claustrophobia talk like how you can feel more and more space in your stomach being taken up as i squeeze into your belly with my friends.
how the group of men thought it was cramped inside before but it’s even worse now with another extra men stuffed inside. They make your belly bloated and there isn’t any space at all. you feel so so full and satisfied but for them because of how many there are and their size it’s so tight inside with no space. all they can do is try to push at your stomach walls for personal space. You’re so full but you just have to finish your soda. You’re just being greedy and mean now. the soda makes you burp up the little air they have. you can feel them pushing for space and struggling to keep their heads above all the soda as it keeps rising. Trying so hard to catch a breath before you burp up all the air. You simply rub your bloated belly to release a burp and burp for relief. In the end I’d like you to notice that there’s only a little bit of the air bubble at the very top of your stomach and how you “can feel it coming up” before burping one last time, daintily covering your mouth and excusing yourself. You say it felt good to let all that air out and that all that food and soda made you want to find more tiny men to stuff inside your belly.