Crime. Its almost unstoppable at times. Women have gone missing and its up to super heroines of Ocean Valley City to stop them. On the Case, Cosmic Girl ( Star Nine ) finds the building the nasty videos these Bimbofied women. As she searches the room she see 2 masks. The masks of two caped compadres. The Black Apple's mask and Her Soul Step-Sister, Galaxy Girl. Oh NO! What has happened to her? Cosmic Girl uses her Pussy telepathy to contact Galaxy Girl... But Alas, its no use. Something is wrong! A creepy growl of laughter fills the room. It is a henchman of Bimbo Maker. A Slugroid ready to te...
Crime. Its almost unstoppable at times. Women have gone missing and its up to super heroines of Ocean Valley City to stop them. On the Case, Cosmic Girl ( Star Nine ) finds the building the nasty videos these Bimbofied women. As she searches the room she see 2 masks. The masks of two caped compadres. The Black Apple's mask and Her Soul Step-Sister, Galaxy Girl. Oh NO! What has happened to her? Cosmic Girl uses her Pussy telepathy to contact Galaxy Girl... But Alas, its no use. Something is wrong! A creepy growl of laughter fills the room. It is a henchman of Bimbo Maker. A Slugroid ready to te...