Jerry goes to a massage parlor seeking a relaxing massage. Kari, his massage recognizes the name on the client sheet and convinces the other massage therapists to let her perform the massage. When she gets in the room, she greets Jerry as if everything is normal, explaining that she has a unique technique for her massage therapy. When she gets him RIGHT where she wants him, she begins him and sitting on his face! Taunting him, she begins to share with him the reason for the . She explains that she knows he broke up with her friend Chelsea via text message and was a complete douche to her frien...
Jerry goes to a massage parlor seeking a relaxing massage. Kari, his massage recognizes the name on the client sheet and convinces the other massage therapists to let her perform the massage. When she gets in the room, she greets Jerry as if everything is normal, explaining that she has a unique technique for her massage therapy. When she gets him RIGHT where she wants him, she begins him and sitting on his face! Taunting him, she begins to share with him the reason for the . She explains that she knows he broke up with her friend Chelsea via text message and was a complete douche to her frien...