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It's fun slapping you
My Rating:
Runtime: 4 minutes
Category: Face Slapping
Date Added: 02/26/08, 07:28 PM


Belinda corners Roger as he is coming out of the bathroom. She pushes him against the wall and deals him a vicious knee to the balls. She begins to chew him out because he failed to bring the trash cans out to the curb... again. She keeps kneeing him in the balls, prompting him to beg her not to knee him in the balls again. She agrees, but only if she can slap him in the face as much as she wants. She unleashes an onslaught of slaps to the face, and gives him further knees in the balls whenenver he tries to block her slaps. She finally lets him go when he agrees to go drive the trash to the du...
It's fun slapping you

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