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Finger brushing fetish goes mobile!
My Rating:
Runtime: 9 minutes
Category: Finger Brushing
Date Added: 07/18/10, 06:06 AM


I'm surprised by how many requests I get for finger brushing fetish clips! So I decided to treat you boys to another video. I brush my pink gums with my finger all the way to the top of my mouth. I brush my upper gums, my lower gums, and you get lots of close ups of all of the action including side views! This is a must have clip for any finger brushing fetishist!

This is the MP4 version so you can play it on your iphone/ipod and get your finger brushing fetish fix anywhere!

Finger brushing fetish goes mobile!

Formats Available

360p - mp4 31MB
Buy: $9.99 View on C4S


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