ATTEMPT to BREAK RAQUEL. UPGRADE is given full permission to go all out on Raquel. Her mission will be to break Raquel. TOTALLY DESTROY her stomach. Raquel CRANKED on the Vertical Crank prop. Upgrade (hardest puncher at this time)who has just been trained to beat a stomach and break it down by systematically destroying every abdominal muscle. Systematically punched until the victim can no longer flex for any deep impacts, Upgrade will use this technique take down Raquel who just keeps begging for more harder punches. CRANK, CRANK, CRANK, Punch punch punch Deep into the pit of the un-flexed sof...
ATTEMPT to BREAK RAQUEL. UPGRADE is given full permission to go all out on Raquel. Her mission will be to break Raquel. TOTALLY DESTROY her stomach. Raquel CRANKED on the Vertical Crank prop. Upgrade (hardest puncher at this time)who has just been trained to beat a stomach and break it down by systematically destroying every abdominal muscle. Systematically punched until the victim can no longer flex for any deep impacts, Upgrade will use this technique take down Raquel who just keeps begging for more harder punches. CRANK, CRANK, CRANK, Punch punch punch Deep into the pit of the un-flexed sof...