This was a custom video here is the script I followed...Can you please brag in the video about the $1000 in tributes I have sent you over the past week and how the only thing I am getting in return is ONE video but that's the way it's going to be if I want to be one of your top three financial losers! OMG I can't believe your ass has made me pay $1000 per video from here on out. Insult me for being such a pathetic loser for your ass and make me pay you a $50 tribute every time I play this video.
This was a custom video here is the script I followed...Can you please brag in the video about the $1000 in tributes I have sent you over the past week and how the only thing I am getting in return is ONE video but that's the way it's going to be if I want to be one of your top three financial losers! OMG I can't believe your ass has made me pay $1000 per video from here on out. Insult me for being such a pathetic loser for your ass and make me pay you a $50 tribute every time I play this video.