This was a custom video here is the script I followed... I'd like to see a 10 minute video in which you are at a shoot for a modeling session... you look amazing in your red dress (the one you wear in the video "the lap dance"... and you take a snack break b/c you're stomach is growling... you brought me along as a shrunken man snack in your purse... you pull me out and look at me with hungry eyes... you show me you belly and belly button and ask me if I can hear it growling... you bring me close to your lips and mouth... slowly licking your lips... you taste me... you are about to swallow me ...
This was a custom video here is the script I followed... I'd like to see a 10 minute video in which you are at a shoot for a modeling session... you look amazing in your red dress (the one you wear in the video "the lap dance"... and you take a snack break b/c you're stomach is growling... you brought me along as a shrunken man snack in your purse... you pull me out and look at me with hungry eyes... you show me you belly and belly button and ask me if I can hear it growling... you bring me close to your lips and mouth... slowly licking your lips... you taste me... you are about to swallow me ...