I can't believe you really hired me to do whatever research I could do to find out why you have such a small penis. Well little penis loser, I did as you asked and I don't think you are going to like the results. You are officially cursed with your small penis family curse. Every generation of males in your family has had this curse. Your great grandfather, your grandfather and your step-father have all been little dick losers. I have a similar curse but mine is beauty and a big booty, so it's likely all of my generations before me have probably all laughed at little dick losers just the way ...
I can't believe you really hired me to do whatever research I could do to find out why you have such a small penis. Well little penis loser, I did as you asked and I don't think you are going to like the results. You are officially cursed with your small penis family curse. Every generation of males in your family has had this curse. Your great grandfather, your grandfather and your step-father have all been little dick losers. I have a similar curse but mine is beauty and a big booty, so it's likely all of my generations before me have probably all laughed at little dick losers just the way ...