Model: Sandra (Shayeira pronounces shy-er-a)
Time: 12 minutes
Outfit: Jean shorts, nude hose, white ankle socks, and button up shirt.
Shoes: Vintage Aqua Reebok freestyle low-top sneakers
Accessories: make-up & glasses
Camera: Full body, POV, & Close-ups
Shayeira is Sandraâ€TMs identical twin step-sister. She is sitting in the living room thinking when Ron comes over to ask Sandra a question. Shayeira is the more of the bookworm, nerdy, and intellectual type of girl. Seeing a young man looking for her step-sister piques her curiosity because people always come ove...
Model: Sandra (Shayeira pronounces shy-er-a)
Time: 12 minutes
Outfit: Jean shorts, nude hose, white ankle socks, and button up shirt.
Shoes: Vintage Aqua Reebok freestyle low-top sneakers
Accessories: make-up & glasses
Camera: Full body, POV, & Close-ups
Shayeira is Sandraâ€TMs identical twin step-sister. She is sitting in the living room thinking when Ron comes over to ask Sandra a question. Shayeira is the more of the bookworm, nerdy, and intellectual type of girl. Seeing a young man looking for her step-sister piques her curiosity because people always come over to see Sandra but sheâ€TMs not sure why a Ron is there. She greets him so she can find out why he comes to see Sandra. The scenario begins after the introduction.
S: Ron itâ€TMs nice to meet you.
R: I could tell that you werenâ€TMt Sandra when I walked in. You seem to be more reserved. Well, Iâ€TMve also never seen Sandra wear glasses.
S: Physically, itâ€TMs the only way you can tell us apart. So, Iâ€TMm curious, why would a young man like you come to see my big step-sister?
Ron looks at her nervously and looks down at the floor. He notices the sexy vintage Reeboks on her feet and starts to get excited. Just as he looks up to answer her she stops him.
S: You know what? I want you to show me what she does for you.
R: You want me to show you?
S: Yeah, Iâ€TMm going to close my eyes and I want you to do whatever you do with her.
R: Well okay but you probably arenâ€TMt going to like it.
S: Iâ€TMm a psychologist. Iâ€TMm pretty open-minded.
Ron takes the opportunity to sit on her right knee. He expects an immediate objection or rejection from the action. He hears nothing from Shayeira but notices that her leg is twice as firm as Sandraâ€TMs. He spreads his legs and puts his hands on his knees. He looks down in awe of her footwear as she finally says something.
S: Iâ€TMm going to assume that thereâ€TMs more to your visits than sitting on my step-sisterâ€TMs knee, am I right Ron?
Just as Ron is about to answer, she taps her foot three times. Her tapping is different than Sandraâ€TMs. She lifts all the way up, pauses, and puts her foot down with power. Ron canâ€TMt help but to try and hide a muffled moan.
S: Oh, so thatâ€TMs whatâ€TMs going on between you two. You sit on her knee or lap and she uses her feet and legs to stimulate you. Judging by the size of your dick, you both must get some satisfaction out of this.
She continues her slow but strong method of tapping her foot. Ron is almost speechless but is able to tell her how good it feels.
S: Oh, I think Iâ€TMm going to enjoy this. You like sitting on me donâ€TMt you?
R: Yes, I like it a lot.
S: You like my shoes?
R: They are really sexy
S: Feeling your weight on me is getting me hot. I want to tap more for you. Would you like that?
R: Yes
S: Ron Iâ€TMm going to keep my toes on the floor and raise my heel all the way up. I want you to push against my knee as hard as you can okay?
R: Okay
Shayeira does exactly what she said and Ron follows her instructions.
R: Damn your strong, it feels really good though. I donâ€TMt think I can take much more though.
S: Well, then Iâ€TMll put you down slowly and tap hard for you.
She goes back to tapping a bit and then she gets another idea.
S: Iâ€TMm going to keep my heel down and lift my toes this time. I want you to push against me like last time. See if you can get me to tap my foot.
R: I donâ€TMt think I can do that.
They do what she suggests. To her surprise, Ron getâ€TMs her to tap twice but canâ€TMt muster enough strength for a third one.
S: Twice, pretty impressive, you are starting to get tired and I haven??€TMt broken a sweat yet.
She continues tapping slow and hard for him.
R (laughing): You are 3 times as strong as Sandra. This is not fair at all.
S (laughing): I used to be a fitness model. I probably should have told you that huh.
R: Cheater
S: Well, I think you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together. Riding my thigh makes you hot and having your weight on me makes me horny. So letâ€TMs finish you off. How does my step-sister do it?
R: She taps a little faster until I canâ€TMt take any more.
S: Well, Iâ€TMll tap hard like I am now and when I raise my toes like before. You push against me until you cum on them.
Shayeira taps a lot for him and when Ron puts his hand under her thigh to hold on she stops and raises her toes. He pushes against her knee which results in a huge cum load on the toes of her shoes.
S: We have to do this again. There is so much we do with this. Are you game dear?
R: Sure.
Ron turns around and kisses her on the mouth.
He turns around to look at her foot
R: Damn I love those shoes.
S: Good because I want to go again.
Video ends with Shayeira tapping her foot.