LIVE AT PHANTOM 2 BOUT 2 Quicktime .
My Rating:
Category: Gay Wrestling
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 10/17/2010


TNT HORRIGAN VS. ROCKY ROJO.......TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS.......... Rojo, a tough, wiry, tightly muscled handsome hunk is no one to be trifled with. Rocky loves to win, and usually does. His blows are stiff, tough and hit their mark. His knee drives knock the out of TNT, and lead the way for this match to become a super brutal pro battle between two of the very best from BG's talent-packed lightweights. With Raw Deal acting as Horrigan's manager, Rojo had better watch his back. Naturally the worst happens when Rojo is blindsided by Raw Deal. A wild donnybrook breaks out and the ending may surpr...
LIVE AT PHANTOM 2 BOUT 2 Quicktime .

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