Dennis Riker: 6'1”, 195, Brown hair, Green eyes, 23yo...........
Cliff Conlin: 5'10”, 175, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 19yo.................
Dennis Riker wears “aqua blue” posing trunks and white wrestling boots. Cliff Conlin appears in red Speedos and black boots. Dennis Riker is a tall, dark, and handsome grappler with a ripped physique, and instinctively good wrestling ability. Matching him against one of the premier BG West Coast wrestlers in Cliff Conlin was a stroke of good fortune. Cliff wastes no time in trying to establish to Dennis that it will take some doing to defeat him. He tries to...
Dennis Riker: 6'1”, 195, Brown hair, Green eyes, 23yo...........
Cliff Conlin: 5'10”, 175, Brown hair, Brown eyes, 19yo.................
Dennis Riker wears “aqua blue” posing trunks and white wrestling boots. Cliff Conlin appears in red Speedos and black boots. Dennis Riker is a tall, dark, and handsome grappler with a ripped physique, and instinctively good wrestling ability. Matching him against one of the premier BG West Coast wrestlers in Cliff Conlin was a stroke of good fortune. Cliff wastes no time in trying to establish to Dennis that it will take some doing to defeat him. He tries to impress two things on him: his own wrestling ability and the fact that he's willing to roughhouse, to do whatever it takes to win this match. He's up against a rookie, sure, but a rookie who also knows what it will take to win. Cliff is strong, he's agile, and he's knowledgeable. The first fall nicely showcases Dennis's talents. There's lots of wonderful mat hold action, including many reversals. But Cliff's willingness to roughhouse eventually takes enough out of Riker so that Conlin is able to slap on a beautiful ab stretch. Seeing Riker's anatomy chart of a body stretched out and suffering in this hold is a wondrous thing indeed. Conlin continues his winning ways at the top of the second fall, tying Dennis up in the ropes and working him over. Dennis manages a comeback and proves to Cliff and to us that he can roughhouse a bit too. The rookie is on his way to gaining ring savvy. But Cliff manages to short-circuit his second fall progress and BG starts thinking - two straight? But when Cliff throws his arms open wide, as if to invite Dennis to take his best shot, something Cliff has done before, the world drops on him. Not only does Dennis throw a nice forearm, but also then he does something totally unexpected. He whirls around and connects a beautiful martial arts shot directly into Cliff's chest. Cliff's shocked body is hurling back into the ring corner. Dennis wastes no time in securing Conlin in a full nelson, picking him up off the mat, and spinning him. Conlin is submitting rapidly at this point. BG's opinion of Dennis Riker as a wrestler has just taken a quantum leap upwards, and so has Cliff's. At the beginning of the third fall, a forearm smash to Conlin's chest after a “test of strength” challenge has Conlin reeling. But he comes back with a few of his own and soon has Riker on the ropes. He starts to choke the handsome wrestler, but an eye rake by Dennis again turns the showdown fall in his favor. One neat thing about the third fall: A beautiful cross body scissors on Conlin by Riker. Dennis puts a lot into it, squeezing the breath out of Cliff. The third fall is dramatic, exciting. Dennis keeps his winning hopes alive. He reverses Cliff several times, and it is only his lack of ring experience that keeps him form ultimate victory. He has the potential to become a very good wrestler and he has the great body and handsome look that makes for a potential star. But victory was not to be in Dennis's debut. Cliff comes up with a new and novel hold to take the third fall victory, a hold that puts undue pressure on the neck. Perhaps you could call it a “neck scissors”. Neat! A nice, action packed and highly entertaining bout. Instant Dennis fans will be particularly happy to see him later in this video in another super-hot match-up.