As promised, here is the video that you, the customers, scripted by purchasing from my store. For each video sold in December of 2009, a certain number of swats with a specific implement was added to a running tally. At the start of the new year, Cookie then received each and every one of these swats in this video. As a further reward to my customers, this video will be kept at the absolute minimum price allowed by C4S for its length.
As promised, here is the video that you, the customers, scripted by purchasing from my store. For each video sold in December of 2009, a certain number of swats with a specific implement was added to a running tally. At the start of the new year, Cookie then received each and every one of these swats in this video. As a further reward to my customers, this video will be kept at the absolute minimum price allowed by C4S for its length.