A young woman, played by Dazey, attempts the escape the clutches of a cult, but is captured and returned to the compound for re-education. Her ordeal begins as she is stripped and put across the educator's knee for a long spanking as he lectures her on the errors in her choice to leave the safety of their haven. She is then left in a kneeling position to ponder her folly until her punishment resumes. When he returns, Dazey is once again turned over his knee, though she now feels the sting of a small wooden paddle on her increasingly tender cheeks, instead of his hand. When this segment of her ...
A young woman, played by Dazey, attempts the escape the clutches of a cult, but is captured and returned to the compound for re-education. Her ordeal begins as she is stripped and put across the educator's knee for a long spanking as he lectures her on the errors in her choice to leave the safety of their haven. She is then left in a kneeling position to ponder her folly until her punishment resumes. When he returns, Dazey is once again turned over his knee, though she now feels the sting of a small wooden paddle on her increasingly tender cheeks, instead of his hand. When this segment of her ...