A young woman, played by Dazey, attempts the escape the clutches of a cult, but is captured and returned to the compound for re-education. In part one, she is stripped and put across the educator's knee for a long spanking as he lectures her on the errors in her choice to leave the safety of their haven. He then leaves her in a kneeling position to ponder her folly until her punishment resumes. This is the “just the action” version, in which all of the dialogue and action which doesn't include spanking has been removed for the pleasure of viewers who want to get straight to the spanking withou...
A young woman, played by Dazey, attempts the escape the clutches of a cult, but is captured and returned to the compound for re-education. In part one, she is stripped and put across the educator's knee for a long spanking as he lectures her on the errors in her choice to leave the safety of their haven. He then leaves her in a kneeling position to ponder her folly until her punishment resumes. This is the “just the action” version, in which all of the dialogue and action which doesn't include spanking has been removed for the pleasure of viewers who want to get straight to the spanking withou...