A young woman, played by Dazey, attempts the escape the clutches of a cult, but is captured and returned to the compound for re-education. In part two, Dazey is once again turned over his knee, though she now feels the sting of a small wooden paddle on her increasingly tender cheeks, instead of his hand. When this segment of her discipline comes to an end, he leaves her in another awkward position, having her bend over with her hands on the mattress until he returns. This is the “just the action” version, in which all of the dialogue and action which doesn't include spanking has been removed f...
A young woman, played by Dazey, attempts the escape the clutches of a cult, but is captured and returned to the compound for re-education. In part two, Dazey is once again turned over his knee, though she now feels the sting of a small wooden paddle on her increasingly tender cheeks, instead of his hand. When this segment of her discipline comes to an end, he leaves her in another awkward position, having her bend over with her hands on the mattress until he returns. This is the “just the action” version, in which all of the dialogue and action which doesn't include spanking has been removed f...