On her way out for a night out, Renee's plans are interrupted by a knock on the door. The man introduces himself to her, explaining that her parents have paid for him to speak with her about her activities while at college. He begins by leading her over to the couch to discuss why he's there, and then puts the young woman across his lap immediately. As he starts to spank the girl over her short skirt, he explains that he's a professional disciplinarian and that her parents have paid for him to dole out a fair punishment for her recent study habits and partying. As she argues the fairness in be...
On her way out for a night out, Renee's plans are interrupted by a knock on the door. The man introduces himself to her, explaining that her parents have paid for him to speak with her about her activities while at college. He begins by leading her over to the couch to discuss why he's there, and then puts the young woman across his lap immediately. As he starts to spank the girl over her short skirt, he explains that he's a professional disciplinarian and that her parents have paid for him to dole out a fair punishment for her recent study habits and partying. As she argues the fairness in being treated like this, he eventually works his way down to spanking her over just her panties, feeling that the extra contact improves her reactions to the punishment. By the time that he gives her a momentary reprieve, he has completely bared her bottom, which is glowing a warm pink from the spanking. He informs her, though, that this has only been the first stage out of five, and that she has four more stages to go before her punishment is complete. After he has given her ample time for her bottom to cool down, he has her get up from his lap and kneel on the couch with her bottom out for the next stage of the prescribed punishment. Pulling out a wooden paddle, he informs her that his invoice calls for twenty strokes to be delivered with the impressive implement. During this, he her to keep count, though he doesn't tell her until several strokes into the allotted number. Despite some awkward mental math, she somehow receives the proper number of strokes, rather than going above or below. She is then left with her nose to the back of the couch to wait for the third stage of her behavior modification therapy. He soon returns to continue her session with a small implement of looped rubber. Contrary to its unassuming appearance, the implement is actually painfully stingy on the girl's sensitive bottom, and he specifies no set number for her total. Instead, he informs her that this stage of her punishment will continue until he sees a noted change in her attitude. Despite argument and debate, she is nevertheless considerably more contrite when this portion of her session is complete. Satisfied that her attitude has changed for the better, he has her fix her garments and then walks her back towards her room to continue the final two stages of her punishment, as ordered by her parents. He has Renee lay across the foot of her bed, once again baring her bottom for the remainder of her session. Bringing the final two implements into the room, a strap and a cane, he informs her that she will be receiving twenty with the strap, as she had before with the paddle, and then ten with the cane to complete her discipline. To make things easier on her, though, he has her count the strokes with the strap out loud so she doesn't make any mistakes. Hard as they may be, she takes all of them without losing count or undue argument, having apparently accepted her fate. This leaves her just one more implement to go before her ordeal is complete. As he prepares to begin the final and hardest part of Renee's punishment, he informs her that he will count off the strokes of the cane on his own, since it will likely be too intense for her to remember to count off on her own, and he doesn't want her to receive extra strokes with something so serious if she hasn't earned them. He dispatches them fairly and intensely, and then fixes the girl's clothing as he sits with her and discusses the changes that she should make so that she doesn't have another visit from him in the future. As a show of no hard feelings, he ends her session with a customary hug, feeling that he's truly gotten through to her. This is the “just the action” version, in which all of the dialogue and action which doesn't include spanking has been removed for the pleasure of viewers who want to get straight to the spanking without filler.