Mistress Xena handcuffs Brenda's wrist to a chain, making brenda stand up, so Mistress can have a perfect view of brenda's ass.
Mistress begins to spank brenda. Mistress Xena gives brenda's ass some color, a lovely shade of pink, while spanking her. Brenda wipes her own tears on her arm, while Mistress laughed at her. After the good spanking, Mistress had given brenda a vibrating reward. You'll see what happens in part 4.
Mistress Xena handcuffs Brenda's wrist to a chain, making brenda stand up, so Mistress can have a perfect view of brenda's ass.
Mistress begins to spank brenda. Mistress Xena gives brenda's ass some color, a lovely shade of pink, while spanking her. Brenda wipes her own tears on her arm, while Mistress laughed at her. After the good spanking, Mistress had given brenda a vibrating reward. You'll see what happens in part 4.