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Part school girl, part potty-mouth whore, Christy is an awesome tickling victim. Dressed in a schoolgirl uniform, white socks and her hair in pigtails, this school girl has a truly filthy mouth and spends the entire clip somewhere between "cute" and "extremely pissed off"! Christy is a SCREAMER and The Mystery Hands enjoy making her react over and over. Lots of hot action in this one, Christy's feet are tickled in her little white cotton socks as well as lots of naked foot action too. ...
This Video has been remaster and upgraded using AI
Part school girl, part potty-mouth whore, Christy is an awesome tickling victim. Dressed in a schoolgirl uniform, white socks and her hair in pigtails, this school girl has a truly filthy mouth and spends the entire clip somewhere between "cute" and "extremely pissed off"! Christy is a SCREAMER and The Mystery Hands enjoy making her react over and over. Lots of hot action in this one, Christy's feet are tickled in her little white cotton socks as well as lots of naked foot action too. No area is spared, feet, underarms, sides, tummy and a particularly effective lower tummy "claw" technique has her writhing so hard she's afraid she's going to pee herself. Christy also gets a turn on her knees so we can see her perfect little ass and yummy bottoms of her feet while she's tormented which prompts Christy to just scream and beg and pout all the more. The clip has a hot ending as TMH's insist that Christy say "please" and the stubborn little minx refuses so we get a great torment ending where Christy is obviously NOT HAPPY, in fact, she's very pissed off and finally, quietly says "please" to end her torment.
Christy is tied face up on the tickling board, she's dressed in a schoolgirl uniform, white socks and her hair in pigtails. "Hi girl" The Mystery Hands start out with a friendly introduction. He kneels down next to her and starts on the underarms and as Christy starts to react he comments. "I can tell this is going to be fun already." TMH's explore behind the knees and up to the hips as he hisses, "we're going to have fun with that later." TMH's continue on Christy's stomach and then on to her feet through her white gym socks. Little Christy starts screaming naughty words and screeching. "Oh my goodness, that's naughty." TMH's say mockingly as he moves back to the underarms and sides and taunts Christy saying "If you're breathing that heavy now you're in big trouble." TMH's find an interesting spot on the lower stomach and Christy screams. "You're going to make me go to the bathroom, I don't have a change of clothes." TMH's move to the upper & inner thighs/groin and get some sharp squeals. Christy's squirming more now; frustrated, breathing heavier and finally she's out of breath and looking unhappy. Nice guy that TMH's is he says "we will make her happy again." As he digs in and she starts screaming he mentions, "see how happy you're getting." Christy's shirt comes off as TMH's mention that now "the people at home are happy since I've got your underarm all naked." TMH's end the first part tormenting her armpits from above her head so he can do both at the same time. Christy starts screaming "Oh god. It's not fair! Oh god damn."
"Let's get these socks off." The Mystery Hands say and trying to be cool Christy says, "It's fine with me. I have no control over what you do or not." TMH's reply, "It doesn't really matter what you think. We're going to have some fun here." No! " She shrieks as he puts his fingers between her toes and starts tormenting her feet. "How smooth and soft they are" he says as he makes her curse loudly. "Such a potty mouth on you" he says as he holds her toes back and continues to torment her little feet. "Be glad that you tied me down" Christy says amongst various curses and assorted angry comments. TMH's laugh and ask her if she's "getting mad girl?" After a trip up to the armpits, TMH's go back to the feet, and between the toes again. "You're tickling yourself now", he taunts as she wiggles around and he spreads her toes as she screams and shrieks. "Say please," TMH's taunt. "I don't beg, get off of me, no begging. NO." says Christy", "We'll make you beg," TMH's quip as he goes for her hipbones. Christy is VERY ticklish there and shrieks so loud that she sounds something like a cat! "I can't breathe," complains Christy as she squirms from side to side, twitching her feet. Finally Christy is having some discomfort and screams "Oh dammit, bladder!". TMH's taunt, "Are you going to pee girl?" Christy replies, " I might, get off of me." She's really getting frustrated and very mad. After TMH's go back to tickling her armpits and sides, she continues to writhe in anger and TMH's quite delightedly mention, "You'd kick me if you could, wouldn't you?" an extremely angry Christy replies, "I'd make you sing soprano, motherfucker!!!"
Christy is now in our wonderful kneeling position where we can see her beautiful ass wiggle around in the air as she struggles. "This is fucking bull, Fuck, What's with this 50 gazillion positions? I get this enough from my boyfriend!" The Mystery Hands just calmly ask, "Is your butt ticklish?" and grab both ass cheeks and start tickling, as she screams "No NO No". "You know what's good about this position?" TMH's ask, "your feet are real easy to play with!" TMH's start tormenting Christy's feet in this very helpless position and she twitches and wiggles her butt from side to side, trying to get away. Christy let's out a string of profanity, "I'll kick your ass! Get the fuck off of me, you fuckin prick," as she angrily thrashes from side to side. TMH's are on top of her now with his hands on her sides as she tries to bite him, viciously shouting, "let go of me, get the fuck off of me!" THM's are laughing at her telling her how cute she is when she's mad as he goes down to attack her feet some more. "Get off of me! God damn step-son of a bitch! I don't beg, I don't fucking beg." Of course after a comment like that, the last five minutes are completely aimed at making Christy beg. "One nice 'Please', come on," THM's say and Christy then throws a temper tantrum howling at the top of her lungs. TMH's pull out all the stops trying to make her beg. He even spanks her, calling her naughty and continues "One little word. Say 'please'." She screams her head off "No. No. NO!". He finally goes for her groin area, knowing that will push her over the edge and she finally, quietly says "please" to make him stop! At the end of the clip Christy is left alone pissed off, frustrated and still tied and she gives us a fitting ending by screaming, "I swear to god someone's going to get it, As soon as I get out of here!"