Detective Danielle Trixie lies resting, naked, bound and ball gagged as the Masked Intruder awaits for her partner to arrive...Detective Mallory Page received the text from Danielle's phone and begins he search for the blonde damsel. She finally stumbles upon the nude detective and tries to unties, but the masked fiend uses the blow dart to render Mallor a tired damsel as well...both slowly begin to awaken, the Masked Intruder removes Mallory's panties and stuff them into her mouth as a panty gag - all Danielle can do is watch as her partners breasts get ...
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Detective Danielle Trixie lies resting, naked, bound and ball gagged as the Masked Intruder awaits for her partner to arrive...Detective Mallory Page received the text from Danielle's phone and begins he search for the blonde damsel. She finally stumbles upon the nude detective and tries to unties, but the masked fiend uses the blow dart to render Mallor a tired damsel as well...both slowly begin to awaken, the Masked Intruder removes Mallory's panties and stuff them into her mouth as a panty gag - all Danielle can do is watch as her partners breasts get ...