Detective Danielle Trixie finds herself in a re-occurring position...stripped nude, tied up and panty gagged by the Masked Intruder. The sexy blonde struggles to free herself but is really just biding her time knowing she'll soon get her opportunity to make an escape attempt, but first she must endure having her full all natural breasts roughly groped and her curvy body felt up...the masked man makes sure her mouth is tightly packed with her panties and removes her high heels to make her a bare foot damsel!! Danielle needed her heels to be removed and tha...
** 720p High Definition **
Detective Danielle Trixie finds herself in a re-occurring position...stripped nude, tied up and panty gagged by the Masked Intruder. The sexy blonde struggles to free herself but is really just biding her time knowing she'll soon get her opportunity to make an escape attempt, but first she must endure having her full all natural breasts roughly groped and her curvy body felt up...the masked man makes sure her mouth is tightly packed with her panties and removes her high heels to make her a bare foot damsel!! Danielle needed her heels to be removed and tha...